
Support safety and inclusion in sport by Playing by the Rules

Published Sun 19 May 2024

Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools and free online training to increase the capacity and capability of administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.

Play by the Rules is a collaboration between Sport Integrity Australia, Sport Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission, all state and territory departments of sport and recreation, all state and territory anti-discrimination and human rights agencies, the Office of the Children's Guardian (NSW) and the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW.

The Geelong Canoe Club is a supporter of Play by the Rules and has adopted the National Integrity Framework, a suite of integrity policies developed by Sport Integrity Australia that is coupled with an independent complaint handling process. These initiatives form part of our Code of Conduct.

The latest issue of the Play by the Rules Magazine covers the basics of the National Integrity Framework (NIF) and explains everything you need to know about the framework including how it applies in community clubs, and what it can do to protect Australian sport.

Sport Integrity Australia's Complaints Officer also talks about how the process works, and The National Integrity Manager for Rowing Australia, Paddle Australia and Australian Dragon Boat Federation tells us what it’s like working in his new role.

Start to Talk - a new Child Safe Sport awareness national campaign - which aims to encourage parents and sporting organisations to discuss how they can work together to create a child safe environment is also explained.

The campaign was developed in response to recommendations from the Royal Commission which identified sport clubs as having an important role to play in the prevention and detection of abuse. It is based on a European child safety campaign lead by the Council of Europe.

To read the Play by the Rules Magazine and access valuable tools to make Australian sport safer and more inclusive see: Play by The Rules Magazine (Issue 42)

For Geelong Canoe Club information about the National Integrity Framework see: News item - National Integrity Framework provides paddlers a safer, fairer and healthier environment


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