Code of Conduct

Geelong Canoe Club

Geelong Canoe Club is a family friendly, health promoting club where everyone feels welcome, safe and respected. We work towards the continued success of inclusive recreational and competition paddle sports. 

Please familiarise yourself with our code of conduct, paddle safety rules other important information contained below.

Code of conduct

Every person: spectator, paddler, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the Geelong Canoe Club is required to:
•    abided by the GCC constitution and Bylaws
•    include every person regardless of their age, gender or sexual orientation
•    include of every person regardless of their race, culture or religion
•    ensure there are opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential
•    show respect towards others, the club and the broader community
•    ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all
•    eliminate violent and abusive behaviour
•    ensure protection from sexual harassment or intimidation

Sport integrity – a safe, fair and healthy environment

The Geelong Canoe Club has adopted the National Integrity Framework, a suite of integrity policies developed by Sport Integrity Australia that is coupled with an independent complaint handling process.

The National Integrity Framework applies to all activities organised or authorised by a Paddle Australia or member organisation and is required to be adopted in full. 

Paddle Australia’s National Integrity Framework defines sports integrity as the manifestation of the ethics and values that promote community confidence in sport. Threats to the integrity of sport include:

  1. manipulation of sporting competitions
  2. improper use of drugs and medicine in sport
  3. abuse of children and other persons in a sporting environment
  4. failure to protect Members and other persons in a sporting environment, from bullying, intimidation, discrimination, or harassment.

Alleged breaches and reporting

Since it was introduced in mid-2022 there have been some changes to the way concerns or complaints about alleged breaches of those policies are to be reported:

  • SIA manages complaints related to Child Safeguarding and Discrimination under the NIF.
  • Complaints about other Prohibited Conduct under the NIF will be managed by the sport at the level at which they arise.  So, issues at the club level will generally be managed by the relevant club, unless there is a significant conflict of interest which cannot be appropriately managed (eg where the Complaint is made against a club executive or committee member) in which case it will be managed by the relevant State Paddle Association.
  • SIA will no longer be involved in the imposition of provisional action (ie protective interim measures) and sanctions.

SIA has affirmed the following process for reporting NIF matters:

  • All NIF matters (ie any allegation of Prohibited Conduct under the NIF) may be submitted, in the first instance, via Paddle Australia's online reporting tool.  Paddle Australia will triage and confirm next steps with the person who submitted the report, including the appropriate body to manage the matter.
  • Alternatively, if preferred, a complaint about Child Safeguarding and/or Discrimination may be submitted directly to SIA via the SIA's online reporting tool.
  • Other issues or concerns may be reported to SIA (can be done anonymously), however, SIA may not be able to act on them.

More information

Paddle Australia’s website:

Sport Integrity Australia website:

Sport Integrity Australia - information and support

Sport Integrity Australia is the cornerstone of Australian Government's comprehensive sport integrity strategy: Safeguarding the Integrity of Sport. They developed the National Integrity Framework and it’s their role to provide advice and assistance to counter threats to sports integrity.

Their work focuses on policy development, intelligence, investigations (primarily of doping cases), and education, outreach and capability building. The agency continues to function as Australia's National Anti-Doping Organisation.

Further information is on Sport Integrity Australia's online channels:

  • Sport Integrity Australia’s National Integrity Framework
  • The free Sport Integrity app is designed with athletes in mind. It provides direction on how to raise concerns about things like harassment, doping, match-fixing, banned medications or illicit drug use. Download from the Apple and Android app stores.
  • Sport Integrity Australia’s social media channels are a good way to keep up to date with what’s happening in sport integrity. See Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or listen to On Side, the official Sport Integrity Australia podcast.

Play by the Rules - how to make sport inclusive, safe and fair

The Play by the Rules website has information, resources, tools and free online training for administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to prevent and deal with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.

Play by the Rules is a collaboration between Sport Integrity Australia, Sport Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission, all state and territory departments of sport and recreation, all state and territory anti-discrimination and human rights agencies, the Office of the Children's Guardian (NSW) and the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW.

Protecting our children

GCC Committee and volunteers all have a Working with Children Check. GCC strongly encourages its members to register themselves in this important program. 

To sign up visit Victorian Government's Service Victoria website

Alcohol free

We are an alcohol free club. Alcohol is to not be consumed at the club or the surrounding river environments. 
Alcohol may be considered for special events and this requires prior approval by the Geelong Canoe Club and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, in addition to the relevant Liquor License.

Smoke free

Our club site and boundary is smoke free, including:

  • all indoor areas (Victorian legislation states that enclosed areas must be smoke free)
  • all outdoor areas
  • spectator viewing areas 
  • car parks
  • vehicles that are within the boundary.


Building access

Access to the club building is only available to Geelong Canoe Club members. 

Car park

Parking in the club compound is only available to Geelong Canoe Club members.

Change rooms

Shower and change facilities are located on the top floor of the club building for all Geelong Canoe Club members to use.


The kitchen is located on the top floor of the club building for all Geelong Canoe Club members to use. One simple rule – please clean up after yourself.

Club-owned exercise equipment

Geelong Canoe Club (GCC) members are eligible to use the club-owned paddling ergos, rowing ergo and watt bike.

These are located in the gym area adjoined to the club. It's important to note the gym is privately operated and unless you are subscribed to Synergise Health and Fitness you are only permitted to use the GCC owned equipment.

Club members who wish to use the equipment:

  • Will be shown how to use the equipment correctly and safely by a member that has experience in using that equipment.
  • Will be required to sign an indemnity form. The person who has shown you how to use the equipment will also need to sign the form.

Requesting access to club owned exercise equipment:

  • Indemnity forms are available below (see 'download files'). If you are having trouble completing the PDF please: right click your mouse to see if you can 'add text' or select 'tools' then 'fill in and sign'. Printed forms are also available near the door on the river side of the club house. 
  • Email your completed indemnity form to Geelong Canoe Club Memberships or leave your form in the letterbox located near the door on the river side of the Club house. 
  • Once your information is processed an access code will be activated.

If members would like to use the other equipment in the gym you will be required to join Synergise Health and Fitness (see Point 12 of the waiver which highlights a commitment to this request).


Geelong Canoe Club members are able to access club lockers at a low one-time cost.
Please note storage of personal equipment is entirely at your own risk.
Contact us to arrange a locker.

Craft storage and registration

Craft storage is available to club members by formal request and is subject to space availability. 

Membership allows storage for up to 2 craft (based on availability) according to allocation including level of placement within the scope of membership (refer Memberships page)

Depending on availability there may be the option to purchase extra storage for 1 craft at higher levels for $30.

Craft are stored at the owner's risk and are not covered by the club’s contents insurance. The club does not accept any liability resulting from damage or theft of personal craft stored at the club.

Bylaw #10 Private Craft Rack Space Allocation explains the rules around boat storage and registration. 

For questions or to register a craft contact us

Paddle safety rules

Life Jackets - Marine Safety Act 2010 (Victoria)

All paddlers must wear an approved life jacket when paddling. Exemptions do exist with formalised training and competition (see club Bylaws for the definition), but for general paddling on the river you are required to wear a life jacket.

Craft buoyancy

Craft paddled from the Geelong Canoe Club must be positively buoyant. This means if the craft capsizes it will remain afloat. 

All member craft must have positive buoyancy. If you are using club craft and you believe the foam (buoyancy) is missing then do not use that craft and contact us to report the missing buoyancy.

Always register your paddling intentions

Members paddling from Geelong Canoe Club are required to register their trip intentions on the whiteboard located next to the riverside door. 

Paddling information required: 

  • Name
  • Date
  • Time 
  • Journey details (upstream or downstream).

Please remember to remove these details when you return. 

Reporting incidents on the water and around the Club

When an incident or accident has occurred please report this using the Incident Report form below and emailing it to

This includes reporting incidents such as collisions on the water and items identified as a possible safety risk.

The Committee will review and take the necessary steps to ensure corrective or preventative action.


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